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Pokemon Battle Partners sv9

Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 to set the tone for 2025!

Well well well Pokemon fans... We are barely off the back of Terastal Festival and we are already in for another treat in a short few weeks!

Our first set of 2025 'Battle Partners' is nearly upon us and just before Christmas, Pokemon decide to give us a little flavour of whats to come this coming January!

Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Pre Order

Update: 28/12/2024

It has only been a short break without them.... But our beloved AR cards will return business as usual in Battle Partners sv9

Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Iono AR
With this new AR comes a brand new Pokemon Illustrator into the fold. Know for a Chibi style illustration often with big bright and bold colours. Terada Tera has taken to Pokemon card illustration with one of the Paldean region's most famous trainers, Iono. What do you think of her work?
Also another SAR sneak peak with Hop and his Zacian! Now we know Hop isn't exactly a fan favourite but this one is very cure considering it is essentially a small boy petting a giant legendary wolf with a huge sword in its' mouth!
Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Hop Zacian SAR

First off, as soon as I hear about this set. I knew deep down, this was going to be a rebirth of the Gym Series where we see cards from some of Pokemon's most infamous Gym Leaders and their Pokemon, all in one card. This was maybe due to the fact that we knew that a new Team Rocket set was going to arrive in the Spring and not to mention the ongoing references to Black & White... So my assumption was 'we're getting a new gym series set'.

Am I wrong? Well I know we have been spoiled rotten in recent years with Character Rares, Galrian Galleries, Character Secret Rares going all the way back to Sun & Moon where it all began with Dream League so you would be forgiven to think it was just another way to bring CHRs etc back into the fold. Plus for newer collectors old school Gym Series sets like Gym Heroes & Gym Challenge probably don't spring to mind. 

Anyway, I'm sticking firm! I already called a new Iono SAR weeks ago and would you know it, they've gone and hit us with it straight from the off! Apart from N's Reshiram leak, this is one of the first reveals for the set and they went big!

Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Iono SAR
This was also accompanied by a reveal for an Iono promo which in all honesty has more of an Iono vibe than the SAR does.
Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Iono scarlet and violet promo
As ever we will keep you appraised and up to date with all the news, card reveals and more as the days edge closer to the release date.
Don't forget to keep an eye on our Pokemon Battle Partners sv9 Pre Order status to get notified when they are live! 
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